

CIMA-Banda Musical Armenia

By all accounts, our musical project CIMA - Banda Musical Armenia continues to be a huge success and continues to grow. Every Sunday evening more and more listeners gather around "el kiosco" to share good times and to listen to the already traditional "Concierto Dominical". Thank you to all the musicians and CIMA students for making possible the return of this long lost tradition. Thank you to all our contributors for their generosity; we invite all our friends to join us so we can invite more students interested in learning some music and to play a musical instrument.


Walk to "La Peña"

Good times among friends, a little exercise and enjoying nature was all part of it but the main task was to identify an area for reforestation this year.

Did you know? Every year students at the "Escuela de Fútbol Armenia" participate in:
- preparing/taking care of seedling and planting hundreds of young trees
- cleaning campaigns all through out our beloved Armenia
- workshops and training in how to deal with conflict and avoid violence.

Did you know? If a student misses a couple of practices, a coordinator and other students go to the student's home to find out what's going on and to offer assistance if needed.

For all of our students, fútbol is more than just a game!